The Underwater Technology Podcast
Weekly short podcast from the Society for Underwater Technology featuring news & an interview with an expert on underwater technology, engineering, science, history & policy from across the international subsea world. For more about SUT visit www.sut.org, email info@sut.org SUT is a Learned Society for underwater technology, engineering & science established 1966. We're a Charity / Not for Profit in most of the countries where we operate. Local branches in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Malaysia, Middle East, Norway, Singapore, UK, USA, West Africa. #technology #subsea #ocean #offshore #science #engineering #oceanliteracy #oceandecade #AUV #robots #exploration #renewables #energy #aquaculture #policy #careers #STEM
The Underwater Technology Podcast
Pod 71 - Tyler De Gier of Ashtead Technology, on Remote Inspection Operations
Season 3
Episode 71
In this episode, we talk with Tyler de Gier, General Manager of Welaptega, Ashtead Technology’s inspection and integrity engineering business. Tyler speaks about their best-in-class asset integrity inspection technology and how they have innovated to provide inspection as a remote operation.
Find out more about Ashtead at www.ashtead-technology.com
Find out more about SUT at www.sut.org, contact us via info@sut.org
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Thanks to Emily Boddy for the podcast artwork and for composing the Underwater Technology Podcast theme music.
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